A harasser trying to stop a worker from searching for sexual harassment lawyers near me in Fresno, CA, on her laptop.

Not every workday is pleasant. You may deal with stress due to customers or new company initiatives. However, no California employee should endure sexual harassment. Protecting your rights with a skilled sexual harassment lawyer helps ensure justice.

Melmed Law Group P.C. is an experienced team of personal harassment lawyers. Some of us have decades of experience representing harassed employees.

Don't stress, asking yourself: "How much does a harassment lawyer cost?" Melmed Law works on contingency. We work on a results-only basis. You won’t owe us unless we deliver.

Schedule a Free Consultation
The Fresno tollgate in Fresno, CA.

Your Right to a Harassment-Free Workplace

California’s Department of Fair Employment and Housing follows guidelines protecting workers against harassment and discrimination.

The state prohibits harassing someone based on their:

  • Race
  • Religious beliefs
  • Country of origin
  • Medical conditions
  • Age
  • Disabilities
  • Marital status
  • Gender/gender identity

Are another’s unwanted advances creating a hostile work environment? It’s time to choose experienced sexual harassment lawyers who help victims seek justice. Our skilled law firm also has wrongful termination lawyers in Fresno, CA, ready to represent you.

What to Do After Harassment Occurs

A man yelling at a woman in need of a Fresno wrongful termination lawyer

When searching for sexual harassment lawyers near me in Fresno, CA, having questions is understandable. What should you do after harassment occurs? Follow these steps.

  • Gather Evidence: Document harassment right away. Recollection is sharper right after an event, unlike incidents that happened months ago. Such details are vital to building a sexual harassment case.
  • File a Report: Regardless of how you feel an employer will respond, you must report misconduct. This action documents what happened and is vital proof to strengthen your claim.
  • Seek Legal Assistance: Proving harassment isn’t always easy. A sexual harassment lawyer near you in Fresno, CA, can help with multiple aspects of your claim, including assisting with EEOC complaints for sexual harassment in the workplace.

Our Fresno Wrongful Termination Lawyers Fight Back

Ideally, an employer would handle harassment swiftly. That doesn’t always happen. A company may attempt to retaliate against an employee who speaks out. As civil harassment lawyers, we often represent victims of retaliatory measures.

Workplace retaliation can involve:

  • Reassigning a worker to unfavorable duties
  • Cutting their hours
  • Firing someone
  • Demotions
  • Negative performance reviews

Retaliation is illegal. Contact us if it happens. That’s because we’re also wrongful termination lawyers in Fresno, CA. Melmed Law additionally offers legal representation for hostile work environment victims.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our team of sexual harassment lawyers near you in Fresno receives many questions. Read our answers below. 

How Should I Prepare for My Consultation?

Before a consultation with the best harassment lawyers near me, wanting to be prepared is understandable. You can achieve this goal by gathering evidence. What proof you’ll have depends on how you’re being harassed. Typically, evidence consists of saved emails, text messages, and recorded phone calls.

Having notes prepared ahead of time is a good idea. Jotting down what you remember about your harassment is beneficial to avoid forgetting anything while speaking with a workplace harassment lawyer near you. You can also write down things you’d like to know more about during a consultation with a workplace harassment lawyer in California, including how to file a harassment lawsuit with a lawyer’s help.

How Long Do I Have to File a Sexual Harassment Claim in California?

Are you unsure if your situation is within California’s statute of limitations? We can help. Speaking with our Fresno sexual harassment lawyers lets a professional determine the validity of your case and whether it falls within this crucial deadline.

What Is Quid Pro Quo Harassment?

Lawyers for harassment near you often hear use terms most people are unfamiliar with. One example is quid pro quo harassment: requesting sexual-related activities for work-related favors. Receiving your free consultation with an attorney for sexual harassment cases lets Melmed Law explain any terms you’re confused about.

Will My Case Go to Court?

It’s impossible to know. Not even top-rated attorneys for workplace harassment lawsuits know if a case will be disputed in court. Most likely, the other party’s legal team will advise them to wait until all evidence is presented and investigations conclude before they decide whether to attempt to settle a case or dispute matters in a courtroom.

Schedule Your Free Consultation

Searching for sexual harassment lawyers near me in Fresno, CA? Melmed Law provides free consultations. In just 15 minutes, you’ll find out if we can represent you—trust seasoned lawyers specializing in sexual harassment claims and employee rights. To schedule a free consultation, contact us today.

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