What Is Sexual Harassment Under California Laws?
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits sexual harassment under federal law, while California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act does the same on the state level. Both these statutes consider sexual harassment as a form of employment discrimination. But what actions count as sexual harassment? Under federal and California sexual harassment laws, these activities in the workplace constitute as sexual harassment:-
- Derogatory slurs, jokes, epithets, or comments.
- Unwanted sexual offers.
- Offering benefits in exchange for sexual favors.
- Adverse impacts following a complaint about harassment, including loss of benefits or employment.
- Displaying or giving out sexually suggestive pictures, posters, cartoons, or objects.
- Having someone block or impede your movements.
- Unwanted physical contact.
- Discussion of sexual acts.
- Threats to endanger your conditions of employment or benefits if you don’t comply with a sexual request.
- Rude gestures and leering.
- Sexually suggestive or obscene messages, graphic comments, and sexually degrading words.
What’s the Difference Between Quid Pro Quo and Hostile Work Environment Sexual Harassment?
The aforementioned acts of sexual harassment can fall into two major categories: quid pro quo and hostile work environment. Some actions can, depending on the circumstances, fall into both categories, and it is important to understand the difference, especially if it results in a sexual harassment lawsuit in California.Quid Pro Quo Harassment
The name for this type of harassment comes from a Latin phrase that roughly translates to “this for that.” In this type of sexual harassment, a supervisor or someone of higher rank and influence impacts your work conditions in return for a sexual favor. This behavior can include accepting sexual advances or agreeing to another form of sexual favor. The conditions offered in quid pro quo harassment can be either positive or negative. For example, an employee may be offered a raise if they agree to a sexual advance; alternatively, an employee may be told that they will lose their job if they do not comply. This category of sexual harassment can also apply to hiring a job applicant in exchange for a sexual favor. Whether the harassment is implied or explicit, it can still constitute a quid pro quo under the State of California’s harassment laws. Note that the perpetrator in this type of harassment must have the authority to follow through on their threats or promises for the circumstances to fall under quid pro quo. If not, the behavior can still qualify under sexual harassment California definitions that create a hostile work environment.Hostile Work Environment Harassment
Typically, other types of harassment under California sexual harassment laws that do not qualify as quid pro quo fall under the category of hostile work environment. In this case, the harassment has reached a level that has impacted your work or creates an intimidating work environment.
Classifying a case of hostile work environment depends on both the severity and pervasiveness of the action. For example, having someone restrict your movements or demand sexual favors may be threatening enough to create a hostile work environment.
On the other hand, an employee that asks a coworker out once would likely not create a hostile work environment. However, if they continue to pursue that coworker, despite being turned down several times, the action’s pervasiveness could then constitute harassment.
According to California’s sexual harassment laws, the legal definition for determining a hostile work environment includes two major qualifiers:
The objective component: any reasonable person in the harassed person’s position would also find the circumstances hostile, abusive, or offensive
The subjective component: the harassed person experienced some form of emotional stress that interfered with their well-being or ability to perform their work
Additionally, courts will also consider the severity of the actions, how often the behavior occurred, and the context of the events in accord with the State of California harassment laws.
Hostile Work Environment Can Apply on a Larger Scale
While the person directly harassed by the perpetrator will likely become impacted by the hostile work environment, others can also be impacted. In the case of an employee regularly making inappropriate jokes or comments, anyone who hears them could be a victim of harassment, even if the employee does not directly say them to a person. Likewise, witnesses to regular unwanted physical touches can also fall into this category under the California sexual harassment laws.Quid Pro Quo Can Lead to a Hostile Work Environment

What’s the Difference Between Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault?
While sexual harassment includes many acts, according to California’s sexual harassment laws, sexual assault includes the forcing of an unwilling party to engage in sexual contact and actions through violence, incapacitation, or coercion. Sexual assault is also a crime, but it can include vastly different legal repercussions than violating the State of California’s harassment laws. If you are a victim of sexual assault, you should:-
- Report your incident to the local police.
- See a health care provider.
- Consider contacting a crisis hotline.
- Reach out to friends, family, and community agencies for support.
Who Can Commit Workplace Sexual Harassment?
Potentially anyone is capable of committing sexual harassment in a workplace environment. While supervisors and bosses are a typical image, they are not the only ones who can harass an employee. Harassment can come from:-
- Company owners;
- Clients;
- Independent contractors;
- Supervisors and bosses;
- Coworkers;
- Customers;
- Vendors.
How Does Liability Work in a Sexual Harassment Lawsuit in California?
Additionally, whoever commits harassment can have an impact on liability. While the person who conducts the harassment will always be liable for their actions under the State of California’s harassment laws, some circumstances can have the employer themselves also be responsible for the act.Employer Liability
An employer can become liable for sexual harassment conducted in their workplace in a variety of circumstances. The first case is if the employer or a supervisor within the hierarchy committed the harassment. In this circumstance, the employer is “strictly liable” under California sexual harassment laws. This means that the employer becomes a responsible party, regardless of whether they knew the supervisor was harassing an employee. The employer is also liable even if they took corrective action for the circumstances. Under California’s Code of Regulations, employers are responsible for teaching their employees appropriate workplace behavior. This same law requires companies to have an active sexual harassment policy and to ensure their employees are aware of the details—including how to report any harassment. However, this situation is not the only one where an employer can be liable for harassment within the workplace.Employer Liability in Cases of Coworkers and Third Parties
When a coworker or a third party sexually harasses an employee of a company, the employer can potentially be liable, as per California’s sexual harassment laws, if they meet the following conditions:-
- The employer knew or should have known that the harassment took place, AND
- The employer failed to take corrective action.
Appropriate Corrective Action for Third Parties
For employees that commit sexual harassment in the workplace, the employer has a more direct correction to provide corrective action. For third parties who don’t work for the same company, establishing corrective action can lead to different situations. California’s sexual harassment laws tell us that correction action against a third party can include:-
- Kicking abusive customers away from the company premises.
- Reassigning the harassed employee off a project that requires them to interact with a known harasser.
- Ending business relationships with harassing clients.
- Moving harassed employees to locations where they do not have to interact with a third-party harasser, such as a delivery person.
Who Has the Right to File a Sexual Harassment Claim Under California Laws?
While many situations involving workplace harassment involve employees of a company, these people are not the only ones who have the right to file a sexual harassment claim under the State of California’s harassment laws. This right extends to any person who has suffered from sexual harassment in a workplace setting. Other groups aside from direct employees who may file a sexual harassment lawsuit in California include:-
- Job applicants,
- Unpaid interns,
- Volunteers,
- Those providing services to a company under a contract.
When Can I File a Sexual Harassment Lawsuit in California?
Anyone who has experienced sexual harassment in the workplace, as defined by Title VII and FEHA, may file a complaint. However, before you can file a sexual harassment lawsuit in California, you must first complete a report to your employer before you can file a civil lawsuit. Under FEHA, each employer in California must have a sexual harassment policy in place. You should follow your workplace’s complaint procedures. Even if your employer does not take appropriate corrective action, establishing a complaint in the workplace can later help your lawsuit case. After you have followed your workplace’s sexual harassment complaint procedures, you can then move on to filing a Discrimination Complaint with a government agency. Both the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and California’s Department of Fair Employment and Housing can accept these complaints. The organization may conduct its own investigation into the incident. Depending on the outcome of the investigation, the DFEH may file their own lawsuit on your behalf. If the DFEH does not, they will issue a right to sue letter. According to California’s sexual harassment laws, upon submitting a formal complaint and receiving a right to sue letter, you may then file a sexual harassment lawsuit in California against the offender and/or your employer if they are liable in your specific circumstances. Under the State of California’s harassment laws, while you may not be able to file a legal claim against the offender until you have completed the above steps, a sexual harassment lawyer can still help you with all the required steps to ensure that your claim can proceed smoothly.Impact of Work Activity on Your Claim
Previous wording on FEHA made one of the requirements for filing a sexual harassment claim that the harassed employee must have had their work productivity impacted to have a valid case. The 2018 revisions to FEHA changed the wording of this requirement so that the harassed employee only needs to show that their job has become more difficult due to the harassment. With that in mind, though, these amendments do not have the same binding legal power as a statute. Some appeals courts may follow these changes as per the State of California harassment laws.Waived Rights to Filing a Claim Against Your Employer
It is important to note that the sexual harassment laws in California will always take precedence over any contract. Language in a work contract or other signed may indicate that an employee has waived their rights to sue or be represented by an employment lawyer. However, because of California Senate Bill 1300, any signed agreement that meets these conditions is not legally binding. Specifically, California employers cannot make their employees release the employer from liability in exchange for employment, continued employment, a raise, or any other bonus. Even if you have signed an agreement with these terms, you still have the right to pursue a sexual harassment lawsuit in California, so long as you follow all the appropriate steps.Negotiated Settlements
While an employer cannot require an employee to give up their right to sue their workplace, it is possible to reach a negotiated settlement to resolve an active lawsuit in accord with California sexual harassment laws. Additionally, California Senate Bill 820 does not allow for any settlement offers to require a gag provision, preventing the involved parties from discussing the harassment. If an agreement does include these terms, it is not enforceable. A knowledgeable sexual harassment lawyer can help you determine if a settlement is the best option for you.Statute of Limitations on Harassment in California
A statute of limitations in California indicates the timeframe after the incident that an affected person can file a complaint or lawsuit. As of January 2020, California’s Bill AB-9 extended the statute of limitations deadline for filing a sexual harassment complaint. With these California sexual harassment laws in place, the statute of limitations on harassment in California is now three years from the date of the most recent sexual harassment behavior experienced. Within this time frame, the harassed employee must file their official complaint with the California DFEH. The EEOC has a shorter statute of limitations on filing an official complaint, with a time limit of within 180 days of the most recent sexual harassing experience. If a harassed employee is also filing a claim with the DFEH, EEOC extends the statute of limitations to 300 days. After the DFEH or the EEOC has completed their investigation and issued a right to sue letter, you have one year to file a sexual harassment lawsuit. These updated statutes of limitations on harassment in California also apply to other forms of workplace discrimination claims, as defined by FEHA.Statute of Limitations for Incidents Before the Enactment of AB-9
When reading the California sexual harassment laws, you will find that the language of AB-9 indicates that the bill cannot “be interpreted to revive lapsed claims.” While interpretations of this wording may vary, it may be in the best interest to act as if any incidents that occurred before January 2020 still only have a one-year statute of limitations to file a complaint with the DFEH.What Damages Are Recoverable in a Sexual Harassment Lawsuit in California?
Depending on the specific circumstances of the sexual harassment lawsuit in California, it may be possible to recover a variety of damages. These can include:-
- Pain and suffering,
- Loss of reputation,
- Back pay,
- Front pay.
What Does the California Fair Employment and Housing Act Require from Employers?
California’s FEHA includes provisions that protect people against sexual harassment, but it also makes it unlawful for other types of discrimination to occur, such as those against people due to their race, religion, national origin, gender identity, and more. Note that sexual harassment can happen in the context of other types of discrimination, such as in the workplace and these are covered under the California sexual harassment laws. Under the FEHA, all employers have a responsibility to prevent and promptly correct any discriminatory conduct and harassment in the workplace. In regards to sexual harassment, employers must provide their employees with information about sexual harassment and have a written policy that indicates all protected classes of those covered by the State of Califonia harassment laws. Said policy must also discuss:-
- That the law prohibits all employees, supervisors, managers, and other third parties from engaging in sexual harassment
- How the employer will handle the complaint;
- That the employer will provide as much confidentiality as possible;
- How the employer will respond to the person filing the complaint;
- That the complaint will have a qualified person investigate;
- That the employer will document the investigation;
- That the employer will take appropriate remedial actions and ensure a timely closure;
- How an employee can report an incident to a person other than their direct supervisor;
- That supervisors must report harassment complaints to a designated representative;
- That no employee will undergo retaliation for filing a complaint or participating in a harassment-related workplace investigation.
- Ensure that all employees receive the policy;
- Provide a translation of the policy if the facility’s workforce has a population of non-English speaking personnel that at least reaches ten-percent;
- Provide supervisory employees with sexual harassment training within six months of assuming their duties and at least once every two years, if an employer has more than fifty employees.
How Can Employers Protect Themselves and Their Employees from Sexual Harassment?
In addition to having a strong sexual harassment policy in place, employers need to take proactive steps to protect themselves and their employees from misconduct of this nature. They need to foster a respectful and trustworthy working environment and ensure they offer an “open door policy” so employees feel safe to discuss these types of incidents with their superiors. An employer who demonstrates zero tolerance for sexual harassment will find potential perpetrators less confident of harassing other employees. To ensure the employer is fully compliant with the State of California’s harassment laws, it is important to also regularly assess the workplace culture in order to identify potential issues early. This can be accomplished with surveys or even anonymous questionnaires. A responsible employer will ensure that all employees fully comprehend the procedures and preventative measures that are in place. Follow-up training sessions should be provided regularly on sexual harassment prevention and policies. They should also provide subject material for employees who require more information. Any complaints received should be addressed immediately by the employer. These allegations should be taken seriously under California’s sexual harassment laws unless (after a thorough investigation) they are found to be unfounded. Employers are also responsible for educating their employees on the severity of making accusations and teaching them how to provide accurate information and full disclosure from the start. The employer should provide assurance to a potential complainant that their complaint will be dealt with confidentially.What Should An Unaffected Person Do If They Witness Sexual Harassment?
If you observe sexual harassment in the workplace, even if you are not directly affected, your actions can make a difference. There are also certain steps and measures you can take.Educate yourself before an incident occurs.
- Before anything, familiarize yourself with any policies and procedures at your workplace.
- Get a firm understanding of the California’s sexual harassment laws.
Document the incident.
- Write down all the information you can remember, including the date, time, and location of the incident. Identify the perpetrator and the victim and record the names of any other bystanders.
- Take note if there were cameras or other recordings of the occurrence. Record every detail, no matter how insignificant it may seem. If there is any hard evidence, such as emails, ensure you keep copies of these as proof of the event.
Report the incident.
- Inform your supervisor, HR department, or a superior who can assist with an eyewitness complaint. Some larger companies have an anonymous hotline so that you can safely and confidentially report the incident.
- Provide clear and concise information without adding in personal judgment or perceptions.
- If safety is a concern, you can request to remain anonymous.
Intervene if possible.
- Evaluate the situation, and if it is safe to intervene without causing harm to yourself or anyone else, then you can try to interrupt the interaction.
Offer the victim support.
- You can offer your support to the victim and encourage them to report the incident according to the company’s sexual harassment reporting system.
- You can also show support by helping them understand the State of California’s harassment laws, or introducing them to an employment lawyer to assist them.
- Always respect their privacy. Do not discuss details about the incident with other people without first discussing this with the victim and receiving their consent.

Tips for What to Do If You Experience Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Experiencing sexual harassment in the workplace can be overwhelming, and it can be challenging to understand the best steps to take. It is essential to remember that you have rights and that both federal and California state laws regarding sexual harassment require your employer to respond appropriately to any harassment complaints promptly.Read Your Employer’s Sexual Harassment Policy
As required by law, your employer must have a sexual harassment policy that all employees can access. If you are unfamiliar with the steps to report a harassment incident in your workplace, your employer’s sexual harassment policy should include these steps.Record and Report the Incidents
After familiarizing yourself with your employer’s process for reporting a sexual harassment complaint, you should follow the steps as carefully as possible. This can include filling out a form, sending an email to HR, or a variety of other approaches. Whatever the process, you should keep a copy of your reports for yourself as well. Whenever sending a report by email, it’s best to request a delivery and read receipt to keep track of when the appropriate party has received your report. These may become necessary in a sexual harassment lawsuit in California. Details to include in your reports are:-
- Who was responsible for the harassment;
- The extent of the harassment;
- When the harassment occurred, and any subsequent times the harassment has continued;
- The names of any witnesses to the harassment;
- The names of anyone you told about the harassment;
- When you told these people about the harassment.