Two male employees watching over a female’s shoulder as she searches for a sexual harassment lawyer near me in Marin County, CA

Almost no one is exempt from having a bad day at work. Job-related stress is hard to avoid. However, things cross the line when you’re the target of sexual harassment.

Contact Melmed Law Group P.C. We’re not just any team of sexual harassment lawyers near you in Marin County, CA. We're an experienced and knowledgeable team, ready to guide you through this difficult time. Get started with a free consultation. Melmed Law can help get you through this difficult time.

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Am I Being Harassed?

Harassment can occur in many ways, and some people aren’t even aware that unwelcome advances are occurring. Let the compassionate and understanding Marin County attorneys at Melmed Law Group P.C. help you navigate this challenging situation. 

California working adults have many rights, including the right to work in a harassment-free environment. According to Marin County’s Anti-Harassment and Equal Employment Policy, sexual persecution can occur in many ways. Knowing your rights is the first step to protecting yourself.

Common examples of harassing behavior:

  • Requests for sexual favors
  • Unwanted sexual advances
  • Unwelcome physical contact
  • Inappropriate jokes
  • Sexual stories

You may also be a survivor of quid pro quo sexual harassment. That term can sound unfamiliar. However, it means propositioning someone for sex or sexual favors to receive a work or personal-related perk or gift.

How Long Do I Have to File My Claim?

The statute of limitations for reporting sexual harassment in California is three years from the most recent incident. Don’t wait to file a claim. A filing-related delay that is too long can void your claim. That also prevents you from pursuing legal action. Find a sexual harassment lawyer near me in Marin County, CA, to understand this time limit.

Why People Don’t Report Harassment

Understandably, you may feel reluctant to speak out about harassing behavior. That’s perfectly normal. There are several reasons why this happens.

These reasons include:

  • Fear of employer retaliation
  • Feeling shameful
  • Previous bad experiences reporting harassment
  • Uncertain if actions will be taken
  • Not wanting to draw attention to yourself
  • Unsure if anyone will believe you

We Advocate for Employees

As Marin County attorneys, we know that laws exist making sexual harassment illegal. Unfortunately, it remains prevalent in workplaces throughout the world. Surviving harassment can feel like dealing with a dark cloud affecting your work and personal life. Melmed Law can help alleviate your peril.

We have significant experience litigating sexual harassment claims. Plus, we don’t just fight for you. We’re here to help you heal.

Speak With a Sexual Harassment Lawyer Near Me in Marin County, CA

Were you a victim of sexual harassment? Did this happen to someone you know? Contact Melmed Law. Rely on our seasoned legal team, who has successfully litigated over 100 class actions, for representation. To schedule a free consultation, contact us today.